SERVER_CONFIGS configurations

Server configurations take three parameter in a variable name SERVER_CONFIGS in the file. This variable has to be filled with the proper values. It’s kind of an essential argument to the main process.


It refers to the container that contains the core distribution. Mostly it’s settings.Image.centos_8 as IMAGE by default. NAME parameter is equal to tag in the Docker concepts. Use this parameter in order to pick a name for your core container.

  • IMAGE : The image you want to serve your core container on.

  • NAME : Tag name you want to name your container to.

  • NOCACHE : It allows you to specify whether you want to use caches or not. It’s set to False by default which means it does use the caches.

    'CONTAINER': {
        'IMAGE': settings.Image.centos_8,
        'NAME': 'django_core',

You can specify your Django core project name with the NAME parameter. It only inputs a name as follows.

    'NAME': 'sample',

This parameter will be executed in the following way so make sure you will never need to change this name.

$ django-admin startproject sample .

This parameter refers to the server you are building in your containers. Only settings.Server.django is available by now. It’s like the webserver you are going to setup within your Docker containers.

    'SERVER': settings.Server.django,


Make sure the keys in the SERVER_CONFIGS are all uppercase. All validators are case-sensitive. For example, we have the SERVER_CONFIGS.CONTAINER validator right below.

class Container(BaseModel):
    IMAGE: str
    NAME: str
    NOCACHE: bool = False